……..about wedding diaries Kenya

A Trusted Online Resource where readers can be Inspired by real brides, discover talented independent designers, stylists, gurus, fashionistas and all things wedding related and generally become lost in a little place on the web that is bursting to brim with a passion for beautiful weddings.

………about wamboi kiarie

Welcome to Wedding Diaries Kenya, where the love of weddings is real. My name is Wambui Kiarie. A proud Kenyan and a flirt with all things Wedding.

I am a mom, a christian, a yogis, a foodie and a dancer.I am also a wedding and events Planner for over 5 years now and I enjoy every moment.Truly its an honor to write this blog and its my hope that you will join me in this amazing journey.Wedding Diaries Kenya is here to inspire brides and brides -to-be and all couples getting married.Look for inspiration, ideas, stories and all things weddings here.


Karibu and Happy Reading!!!

Be Inspired!

image bride

Yours Truly ❤️

Wambui Kiarie